We are proud to be affiliated with Motorbike Madness Pattaya, which offers The Best Big Bike Adventure Motorcycle Tours in Thailand.
Allow Motorbike Madness to introduce you to the once-in-a-lifetime experience of big bike touring through the regions that stretch from Thailand’s far north, deep south, West, East and to the southeastern coast of Thailand. If you are short on time or just want to get a taste of Adventure Motorcycle riding we also offer one day and weekend warrior rides from our Pattaya headquarters.
We draw upon our staff’s vast and unequaled first-hand knowledge of the roads and trails crisscrossing this region to arrange what are considered by many to be the best tours of their kind in Thailand.
Since our big brother’s inception in 2008 as Enduro Madness, we’ve constantly tweaked and improved the scope and breadth of the unique and inspiring Enduro itineraries we offer and converted the key ingredients of our success to make the perfect recipe for the best big bike Adventure Motorcycle tours in Thailand.
By combining the distillation of our knowledge of the areas we cover with the expert feedback and suggestions from our staff and customers, we can now offer you Motorbike Madness Pattaya, which will take our already superb and unique touring in Thailand options to the next level.
Years of touring and gathering important contacts and information specific to each of the areas we cover have provided us with the ability to secure the permissions, access, and other special arrangements needed to create the one-of-a-kind journeys we offer.
Because we have taken the time to develop and strengthen relationships of trust with the chiefs and leaders of many villages and townships which are usually out of bounds for most tourists, we are now able to share with our customers access to trails and areas seldom if ever visited by outsiders.

This long-term cultivation of local contacts has enabled us to offer our customers tours which will give them plentiful opportunities to take photos or videos of spectacular and special places along the itineraries or to have extraordinary and even life-changing first-hand encounters with individuals from the local communities and subcultures.
Motorbike Madness Pattaya can literally take you on a big bike journey through time, because by traveling the roads and trails less traveled we can introduce you first-hand to the true Thailand, a Thailand from times gone by, stripped clean of the layers of plastic, cement, and crass exploitation that now smother and obscure a clear view and experience of the native people, places, and cultures of Thailand.
Ethereal, mystical vistas from some long-forgotten dream await you around each corner of time-worn trails that offer glimpses of fairy-tale waterfalls, transcendently peaceful glens, or perhaps alone temple precariously perched on a steep outlook over an anonymous canyon. The peoples and the places themselves along these routes march to their own drummers, to beats and times completely divergent and incompatible with the haphazard, commercialized banality of the current world pop culture.
The tours we offer along the eastern coastline of the Gulf of Thailand include glimpses of the numerous and world-famous gulf islands and exhilarating jaunts down the trails and roads whimsically woven throughout the region. By sticking to the roads and trails less traveled, our tours guide you through uncommon and incomparable scenery and immersion in local custom, cuisine, and culture.
While we do enable you to travel through the outer limits of what is usually accessible by visitors to Thailand, we always maintain a close watch on your safety and well-being. We make sure we are always compliant with Thailand’s rules of the road, and aware of current weather conditions or possible area-specific obstacles or problems—whether they are political, social, or environmental. We also make sure each tour is led and followed by members of our competent and supportive staff.

Please take a look at our tour page for the possible options and prices that you can choose for a tour that is individually tailored to exactly meet the criteria you demand for your own ideal of what the Ultimate Thailand Big Bike Adventure should look and be like.
Motorbike Madness encourages you to step boldly into the unknown where very few have gone before you, and experience sights and encounters others never imagined were possible. We are a company that offers you that rare gift, which so often goes unnoticed, unseen, and unheard…a chance to directly perceive and experience the vast spectrum of people, experiences, and sights present in this part of the world, without societal or political biases, on your own terms.
For those determined to blaze their own trails, we offer a fleet of CB 500X’s and Suzuki V Strom 650s, which provide riders with an optimal blend of power and riding comfort. Our fleet is routinely maintained by qualified mechanics to meet all legal and mechanical standards applicable to Adventure Motorcycle touring. Please consult our website for options, prices, package details, and news of recent and future developments.
For more information about our awesome motorcycle tours/rentals please visit our dedicated website MOTORBIKE MADNESS - THAILAND'S BEST GUIDED MOTORCYCLE TOURS.